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Today's Good News Wednesday, February 19, 2025

There is an alternative to today’s doom and gloom – The Good News available to everyone for the last 2,000 and more years.

The Gospel is:

More current than any newspaper or newscast because it not only explains what has occurred, but what will happen in the near and far future.

  • Far more relevant than CNN, Fox News, The NY Times, etc. because he speaks to the needs and concerns of each reader.
  • Uplifting rather than depressing, worthwhile versus a waste of time, positive as opposed to negative – in short, of real and lasting benefit.

But, the Gospel has five necessary elements to make it meaningful and useful to us – for it to be Good News for us we must:

  • View and read the Bible as current and relevant for now.
  • See and accept it as personal – Good News to us individually and personally.
  • We must indeed read it and read it regularly.
  • We must be able to read it – which is a gift of grace through The Holy Spirit.
  • Likewise, we must have God’s grace of faith to do what we find as we read it!

We will then begin to understand Jesus’ statement as true for ourselves:

Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4