Home of 789 Grace Place

Can You Imagine a World in Which People are More Thankful


For what they have

rather than envious and coveting for what they do not possess

There would be no catalyst for

stealing, adultery or murder

Parents would be blessed, not cursed

Others, and their gifts, respected and celebrated

God would be praised and worshipped

for Who He Is and 

all His Many Graces towards us


Giving to those in need would be a passion

Serving and Caring for others a joy

Keeping life simple, rather than unnecessarily complicating it

(and trapping ourselves as a result) would be the emphasis

Heroes and celebrities would always and only

be those who demonstrated the best


Rest and Recreation we would enjoy

Peace would flow freely

Anger a long lost theory

Hospitality a true personal industry 

Care for all we have been blessed with a priority


Most current politicians would lose their jobs

almost all "media" (unsocial by nature) would be abandoned! 


In a word

Happy people are Thankful people and

Thankful people are Happy people

or better said

To the extent a person is Thankful

determines the level of their Happiness

and even better yet said

To the extent  I am Thankful

determines the level of my Happiness!


Can You Imagine a World

in Which You are More Thankful?


The blessing of Thankfulness

Sought through God

is a Grace

He is sure to give!

If this is a hope we can imagine

and pursue through Him.